Finland's largest documentary film festival DocPoint will premiere a film directed by Antti Kuivalainen and produced by Jouko Aaltonen, Then the Times, They Changed, in cooperation with the legendary Finnish rock club Tavastia. The event will be held 2.2.2022 at Tavastia.
The film tells the story of the premier rock establishment in Helsinki since 1970. Tavastia-house has been frowned upon, admired and iconised. At the same time, it is a story of people's longing for shared musical experiences after the coronavirus lockdown. Stories straight from the infamous backstage are shared by musicians Jussi Raittinen, Ursus Factory, Aija Puurtinen, Ville Valo and many others.
DocPoint will be held in Helsinki 31.1.–6.2.2022. The admission is 20 euros. More details and the ticket sales can be found on the website of Tiketti. A selection of festival screenings will be available online. The ticket sales for serial cards has started at DocPoint website.