Jenni Pystynen is a lightning designer who works with light in many different contexts - from architexture to performing arts and from installations to moving image. Pystynen has studied in Tampere University of Applied Sciences at the department of Culture and Arts and she has also studied film and animation along with her other studies. On par with her designs, Jenni often uses animation but also filmed material to produce moving image. After completing her master's degree in architectural lighting design, Pystynen began her job as an architectural designer at Bruges Studio in London in 2009. Ever since she started her first job, Jenni has been interested in the effect of light on humans and the experience of the environment on us. Jenni has collaborated with clients such as BBC, ITV, Science Museum, English National Ballet, The Finnish National Museum and The Finnish National Gallery. The natural light of the North and the gradient skies of slow sunsets inspires her the most.